Annual General Meeting, 2023

The next AGM will be held in the St Saviour’s Parish Centre on Wednesday November 1st. The meeting proper will start at 7.00pm but a welcome drink will be available from 6.30 pm when you will be able to meet current Officers and Committee Members. 

The Agenda for the meeting 

  1. Chair’s Welcome
  2. Dave Barden, our friend and Committee Member, remembered
  3. The AGM
      1. Approval of minutes of last AGM held September 28th 2022
      2. Matters Arising: Changes to the constitution of The Oxton Society (see below)
      3. Presentation and Approval of Chair’s Annual Report
      4. Accounts and Approval of Treasurer’s Report
      5. Nomination and election of Officers and Executive Committee Members
  4. Presentation of Awards:
      1. Outstanding Contribution to Oxton
      2. Oxton Society Design Award
  1. “The future of electricity in the face of climate change” – guest presentation from SP Energy Networks
  2. Discussion, Questions and points from the floor.

The minutes of the last AGM held in Sept. 2022 are available here.

The Annual Report for 2021/22 can be viewed here.

The existing Constitution can be viewed here.

The motion proposing changes to the Constitution can be viewed here



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