A Big Thankyou

A Big Thankyou

A LETTER TO OUR MEMBERS We hope you and your family are well and have been free of Coronavirus and have not felt too constrained  by the challenges of lockdown.  It has been truly sad that OXTON  Village has lacked its usual vibrancy and we miss all the businesses...


This booklet, by Alan Chape, the Secretary of the Oxton Society, has been written to celebrate 40 years of the Oxton Conservation Area and the Oxton Society. It contains a commentary on the nature of change in the area and the Society over the past 40 years and...
Oxton’s (virtual) Gardens, Sunday May 10 and beyond

Oxton’s (virtual) Gardens, Sunday May 10 and beyond

Oxton’s 20th Secret Gardens event, which was to have been held on 10th May, has been cancelled because of Covid-19. BUT all is not lost! Over 30 Oxton Gardens plus local artists and performers have been showcased on a special FaceBook page which will be...
Oxton’s new (controversial) mural

Oxton’s new (controversial) mural

In the light of the controversy that has been aired on the Oxton Society’s Face Book and Twitter sites  arising from the mural recently created on the wall of Home Cafe, the Society is seeking to clarify the situation for its members. The matter is with the...

Design Awards 2019

4 Commendations in the The Oxton Society Design Award scheme were presented at the AGM on Sept 25. Full details of the winning projects and the Panel’s comments can be viewed here....

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